Approaches to Automated Traffic Optimal Control System

Elena Sofronova


The paper addresses the problems of optimal control and synthesis of traffic flow control in urban areas. It is proposed to solve these problems within the framework of an automated control system used to create an intelligent transport system (ITS) for large cities. Data on the quantitative characteristics of the flow is obtained from road infrastructure detectors. The road network is described by a directed graph, where nodes correspond to road sections and edges correspond to manoeuvres at intersections. The graph has a variable structure depending on the control. The control is determined by the duration of the traffic light phases at signalised intersections. A universal recurrent model of traffic flow, based on the theory of controlled networks, is used to describe the control of traffic flow. Optimal control problem statements are given for different phase switching modes: within a fixed cycle, without a fixed cycle, within a multicycle. The solution of the multicriteria optimal control problem is given. The use of evolutionary algorithms is proposed to solve the optimal control problem. Then, a control synthesis statement for the traffic flow is proposed. The traffic flow is controlled by selecting the duration of the working phases of the traffic lights with respect to the state of the object. The task is to find a traffic light control function that depends on the state of the traffic flow. To solve the control synthesis problem, it is proposed to use modern numerical methods of symbolic regression. Numerical solution of multicriterial optimal control problem for intersection with real field data is given.

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