Integration for objects attribute information and graphic images in the VR Concept virtual reality system

E.A. Stogniy, T.F. Volobueva, V.A. Sychov


The work is devoted to the development of technology for integrating attribute information of objects with their graphic images in the VR Concept virtual reality system. An approach is implemented to integrate the attribute parameters of the physical properties of the model elements with its geometric image in order to implement the correct physical interaction of the model elements. A comparative analysis of the main formats of digital models and the most common environments for creating VR training simulators has been performed. The analysis of the capabilities and limitations of the basic version of the import-independent virtual reality environment VR Concept for the implementation of physical patterns in an interactive virtual space is performed. Plugins have been developed that extend the functionality of the product, implementing the assignment of certain physical properties to scene objects and processing their physical interaction. The approbation of the developed technology is carried out on virtual simulators prepared in the course of work, which are physical experiments.

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