Implementation of multi-user remote access via the Internet to engineering operations simulators in VR Concept virtual environment deployed on internal and external cloud resources of the educational organization

E.V. Bobrova, A.D. Govorukhin, A.A. Lyubarskiy, Y.A. Andrienko, T.F. Volobueva, O.V. Boyko, M.G. Zhabitsky


The article deals with the introduction of virtual reality (VR) technologies into educational processes, with a focus on the development and integration of learning management systems (LMS) with VR modules. The aim of the work is to create a fully functional digital LMS that provides integration of standard educational formats and innovative learning formats using virtual reality. The development of technologies for remote access to VR scenes is described, including the implementation of a software system and server architecture for accessing educational content. The use of VR simulators for teaching engineering operations and organising team activities in a virtual environment is investigated. Technical solutions for connecting external users to VR projects are presented, including the use of VPN to ensure a secure and stable connection.

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