Monitoring system for load balancing of distributed computing system nodes based on smartphones

Sergey Balabaev, Sergey Lupin, Aye Min Thike


In the contemporary era, researchers frequently encounter the necessity of executing high-performance computing without the availability of robust workstations or access to clusters. The processing power of a personal computer is insufficient for the resolution of resource-intensive applied tasks. However, this can be augmented by the integration of such devices as Android smartphones, which are equipped with multi-core processors and a substantial amount of random-access memory (RAM), enabling them to perform resource-intensive computations as a node of a distributed system. However, when heterogeneous devices are integrated into a single computing environment, even distribution of load between them results in low efficiency of the whole system. The solution to this problem is node load balancing, which takes into account the real, rather than peak, performance of the nodes of the distributed environment. This paper proposes a method for load balancing the nodes of a smartphone-based distributed computing system using the developed monitor to determine the real performance of smartphones. The device data is collated by the client application, assembled into a packet and transmitted to the server via the network or stored as a file within the smartphone's memory. The server then performs an analysis of the received message and presents the device characteristics in graphical form. The functionality of the monitor was evaluated through experimentation to ascertain the parameters of the smartphone when solving the test problem under varying temperature conditions, namely at room temperature, when blown by a fan, and in conditions of reduced temperature. The characteristics of the nodes were employed to achieve a state of equilibrium in the computing environment. The computational experiments demonstrated that the characteristics obtained with the assistance of the developed monitor enabled the elimination of the imbalance in the computing environment, an increase in its performance and a reduction in the computation time by a factor of 1.8. The developed monitor can be utilised to achieve equilibrium in the nodes of a distributed system comprising Android devices.

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