Motion Dynamics of a Three-Wheeled Transmission Cargo Platform in Special Modes

S.F. Jatsun, E.V. Saveleva, E.N. Politov


The paper discusses a mobile robotic platform designed for autonomous transportation of small volumes of payloads to specified points within the territory designated by the operator. The dynamic characteristics of a mobile robotic platform (MRP) with a three-wheel transmission in special driving modes are studied. Modes or positions in which the point of zero moment approaches the boundary of the reference polygon or goes beyond it are called special. Controlling the position of the zero moment point, as well as monitoring the position of the system’s center of mass, makes it possible to ensure the stability of the platform under study from tipping over when moving in special motion modes. The solution to this problem allows us to reduce the time for installing and securing the load on the platform, up to the complete elimination of this technological operation. This solves the important production problem of increasing the productivity of the cargo transportation process. Within the framework of this work, a study is carried out of the conditions under which the occurrence of special regimes is excluded and the stable position of the system is guaranteed. The dynamics of the MRP during rectilinear motion at the moment of acceleration and braking is investigated. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved during the study: - a mathematical model of the system’s motion was developed; the conditions for sustainable movement of MCI are formulated; the maximum permissible acceleration of the platform during straight-line motion at the time of acceleration and braking was determined; the boundary positions of the zero moment point are determined.

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.12.202404.37-45

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