3D descriptor and its application in contour analysis algorithm for automatic aircraft landing
The article proposes a method for forming a three-dimensional object descriptor, which allows to reconstruct a one-dimensional contour descriptor and an object contour. Descriptor is designed to create algorithms for estimating the angular position of an aircraft from a monocular image to increase the integrity of navigation data at the landing phase, but it can also be used to estimate the orientation of spacecraft and other objects, as well as for recognition. The descriptor is a three-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of a set of contours. The process of forming a 3D descriptor includes creating a scene using a graphics library and rotating the camera around the object in orbits with a certain step, at each position a contour is extracted and saved to create a set of contours, from which a 3D descriptor is then formed. Two-dimensional trigonometric interpolation is used to reconstruct the one-dimensional contour descriptor of an object in an arbitrary spatial orientation, and three-dimensional interpolation is used for contour reconstruction. The advantage of the proposed descriptor is the ability to quickly calculate a one-dimensional contour descriptor invariant to rotation and scale to determine the angular position and recognize a texture-less object in the image. The ability to create a smooth objective function based on the proposed 3D descriptor greatly simplifies the optimization search.
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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.12.202404.46-53
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