The Digital and the Trends in Military Technology and Related Regulatory Developments: Look at foreign experience

Igor Ponkin


The article is devoted to the study of the role and significance of digitalization and digital engineering in the competition of military potentials of the world's leading powers. The author addresses the issue of the significance of situational and domain superiority over the enemy, the ways to achieve this goal and the understanding of this goal by the military authorities of the world's leading powers. Based on the author's extensive research of open publications and defended dissertations in English, French, Spanish and German over the last few years (only some examples of sources are given), some key areas of military technology development abroad directly related to digitalization and digital engineering are highlighted. The article considers a number of positions from those identified in this review. The system of digital engineering support for defense systems is considered. Based on some U.S. guidance documents, definitions of some significant concepts from the working thesaurus of defense digital engineering are given: digital engineering, digital engineering ecosystem, digital twin, digital thread, digital artifact, analytical framework, authoritative true source. The topic of the concept, role and significance of multidomain integration of combat forces and assets, and the prospects for this in future wars is explored. The author points out that an independent direction of scientific developments is a set of design issues of topology of complex multilevel integration of cyber forces (cyber units) and organization of their application in the armed forces. The article discusses the current and potentially possible application of artificial intelligence units and technologies related to artificial intelligence in the military sphere.

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