Digital ecosystem of the Leningrad region as the basis for interdepartmental interaction to improve the quality of e-government

A. V. Klechikov, P. V. Smirnova, A. S. Sytnik


The article is devoted to practical experience in the formation of an intersectoral digital platform to improve the efficiency of public administration in the Leningrad region. The structure of an interdepartmental digital ecosystem focused on various spheres of life of a resident of the region is presented: education, culture and tourism, physical culture and sports, labor and employment. The article provides an overview of the functionality and integration capabilities of the GIS “Modern Education of the Leningrad Region” as an example of the implementation of the ecosystem approach in state digitalization at the regional level. The system has established interaction with different levels of government: from municipal to federal. Indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of a unified regional digital platform for interdepartmental interaction of the Leningrad region are presented. Various aspects are considered, such as the level of accessibility of electronic services, user satisfaction and the results achieved through the introduction of digital tools in public administration. In general, the article reveals the practical experience of creating an intersectoral digital platform in the Leningrad region and emphasizes its role in increasing the efficiency of public administration. The findings may be useful for other regions and authorities seeking modern and effective digital governance.

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