Professional training of informatics in the field of culture based on interdisciplinary interaction between the museum and the university

E. G. Gaevskaya, N. V. Borisov, M. Y. Gladkih


The work is carried out within the framework of the pedagogical activities of the Department of Information Systems in the Arts and Humanities of St. Petersburg State University and the exhibition work of the State Russian Museum on the basis of the research center “Virtual Russian Museum at St. Petersburg State University” from 2020 to the present. The research results presented in the article are part of research that continues from 2016 to the present and includes the results of an experiment that has been conducted from the 2020/21 academic year to the present. The data obtained allow us to conclude that there is mutually beneficial cooperation between the participants in the experiment. The results of the experiment, participant observation, and the study of control and measurement materials filled out by students indicate an increase in the level of development of professional competencies of university students. Also, findings from visitor questionnaires contribute to enriching the practices of museum communication with art museum visitors. The work is carried out within the framework of cooperation between St. Petersburg State University and the State Russian Museum.

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