Text analysis of Social Media comments for assessing the social well-being of metropolitan residents (St. Petersburg's example)

A. V. Chizhik


The paper is devoted to a description of experiments related to an attempt to build a methodology for analyzing text data from social networks with the aim of subsequently assessing the social well-being of city residents. The main task was to identify the most optimal vectorization model for short texts (comments on posts) for further use in sentiment analysis. The article presents the results of a comparison of three currently relevant approaches to creating vector embeddings: taking into account the weight of a word in a document (TF-IDF), using distributional semantics when creating word vectors (Word2Vec) and language-agnostic sentence embeddings (Laser). The article describes the design of the study, provides quality metrics, and describes the data on which the experiments were conducted. The following are intermediate results of a subsequent study of text data within the framework of the analysis of social well-being: topic modeling is applied to the texts, each topic is measured on a five-point scale of emotions. For the experiments, data from the social network Vkontakte was used.

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