The dominance of ethical and legal norms for regulating the information environment of the Russian segment of the Internet in the digital transformation paradigm

G. M. Shapovalova


The purpose of this scientific article is to substantiate the dominance of ethical and legal norms in regulating the information environment of the Russian segment of the Internet in the paradigm of digital transformation as the most effective tool. The author set the following tasks: the main trends in the political and legal regulation of the Russian digital environment; promising telecommunication technologies of 5G networks, within the framework of the federal project “Information Infrastructure” of the national program “Digital Economy; safety of youth audiences in the digital segment of the Russian Internet; a philosophical view of the relationship between ethics and law as a single foundation of universal human values, in the context of information security for youth audiences. As conclusions, the author sees that the essence of this issue lies not only in the regulation of social relations in the information environment, especially its vulnerable category - youth, through the adoption of information and legal norms, but also, no less important, ethical norms and principles prevailing as internal personal beliefs. Information and telecommunication technologies have qualitatively changed the life of Russian society, which allows us to claim that they are an indispensable tool that promotes the cognitive activity of young people and their intellectual development, as well as the emergence of new opportunities for self-development and improving the quality of life.

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