Development and Analysis of a Fuzzy Controller for Mobile Robots in Heterogeneous Soils

Israa M. Abdalameer Al-Khafaji


This paper investigates the use of fuzzy logic to control mobile robots working in diverse soils. The goal of this study is to create a dynamic system capable of adapting the fuzzy knowledge base and successfully responding to rapid environmental changes, allowing the robot to make suitable judgements. The Fuzzy51 software was used to show the system's design and analysis, and its performance was assessed on several kinds of heterogeneous soils. This study's key discoveries include system architecture modelling, system analysis inside the Fuzzy51 package, the knowledge base block, system analysis block, and the design of the fuzzy control logic system. Furthermore, the essay discusses the control's basic structure, the fuzzy control strategies manipulator, and the overall layout of the software package. Theoretical and practical findings show that the fuzzy controller design, whether endowed with memory or not, successfully manages unexpected environmental changes and allows for correct decision-making. The article also explains how to use the fuzzy control tactics manipulator, which includes a strategy settings page, a data exchange tab, and a system capable of blocking "current exchange" and "current tactics." The research also contains a theoretical examination of the fundamental two switching of the inverter and repeater functions before and after X = 50. The simulation system was toggled between two functions (reflector and repeater), and the input X1 changes and techniques, as well as the associated experimental outcomes, were presented. To summarize, this paper proposes a method for regulating mobile robots operating in diverse soils using fuzzy logic. The Fuzzy51 programme was used to show the system's design and analysis, and its performance was tested in a variety of heterogeneous soil conditions. The research shows that the fuzzy controller design, whether it has memory or not, adequately copes with rapid environmental changes and allows for correct decision-making.

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