Application of the autonomous blocks method to mathematical modeling of microwave devices containing distributed and lumped circuits
The application of the autonomous block method to the mathematical modeling of devices is considered using the example of non-reflective frequency-selective striplines filters with a generalized circuit containing distributed and lumped RLC circuits. The direct problem and the inverse problem i.e. problems of analysis and synthesis are solved,. The starting point of these solutions is the division of the generalized equivalent circuit of the device into autonomous blocks with distributed parameters and blocks with lumped parameters. Based on the connection between the frequency properties of a stripline device and the parameters of autonomous blocks with distributed parameters and blocks with lumped parameters, the inverse problem of finding the frequency characteristics of blocks with lumped parameters necessary to obtain the specified characteristics of the devices as a whole is solved . Numerical simulation results are presented. The proposed approach to modeling devices containing distributed and lumped circuits made it possible to develop an algorithm for the synthesis of a number of devices, in particular, non-reflective bandpass filters.
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