On Secure Mobile Communication Software Issues

Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Dmitry Namiot


The paper considers some secure mobile communication software issues from both the tactical and strategic points of view and some failures due to overly complex software as well as cyber threats. The failed tactical communication systems include Future Combat Systems (due to software issues), and Joint Tactical Radio System (after failed integration tests). Joint regional security stacks (JRSS) are the main components of the cybersecurity structure. In 2018, the Pentagon suspended this $2 billion cybersecurity project due to unsolved software issues. Some myths about CORBA and Software Communications Architecture (SCA) are discussed and some unsolved software issues are pointed out. This paper considers the experience of using software-defined radio systems (SDR) in special systems. First of all, we are talking about the Future Combat Systems (FCS) project and a software-defined radio (SDR) system - a radio communication system that uses software to process various signals.

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