Analysis of models for assessing the quality of a computer system

K.V. Naryshkin


The article discusses the issues of assessing the quality of a proprietary computing system in the acquisition and delivery processes. Descriptive quality models proposed in scientific literature and regulatory documents are considered. The analytical model of the quality of the software system has been improved. A theoretical basis has been developed for calculating the quality indicators "throughput" and "resource intensity". The concept of the influence of errors in binary code on the evaluation of quality indicators is introduced. Based on the methodology for calculating the impact of vulnerability in the system on information security, a method for calculating the impact of errors on other characteristics of the quality of the computing system is proposed. The advantages and disadvantages of error detection methods in a computer system in the absence of access to the development process are presented. In conclusion, the problems of methods for assessing quality indicators and finding errors in proprietary computing systems are outlined.

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