Development of software for rooms acoustic modeling

E.E. Istratova, D.D. Sin, V.A. Tribunskiy


The article presents the results of the development and research of software for modeling the acoustic environment of premises. The object of study in the work was the room for which the simulation of the acoustic environment was performed by selecting the values of the variable parameters. The principle of operation of the software is to implement calculations of the reverberation time for the specified points in the room with the possibility of selecting materials for finishing the internal surfaces. To implement this task, an analysis of the subject area was carried out, a study of existing analogues was carried out, the architecture of the software was determined, an algorithm was developed, on the basis of which the software was implemented. The C# programming language was used to implement the program. The WPF framework was chosen to develop the user interface, and the ASP.NET Core framework was chosen to implement the server side. A distinctive feature of the ready-made software solution is the low demands on computer computing resources, combined with high speed and accuracy of modeling. The developed program can be used both for educational and research purposes, and by architectural bureaus for modeling a given acoustic environment in a room.

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