Development of educational content formation tools in applications based on virtual reality technology

Diana Bochkovenkova


Virtual reality (VR) technology is promising and already well-established, yet it continues to rapidly evolve, with its development naturally impacting the educational process. Utilizing VR technologies in education provides the opportunity for full immersion in the learning process, eliminating distractions from external factors. This article conducts an analysis of the necessary functionality of educational VR applications, approaches to the formation of educational content, and types of instructional content applied to VR-based education. Additionally, a developed xml representation is presented, enabling the description of educational content elements such as lecture topics and tests using specific tags and attributes for the dynamic creation of instructional game objects in the virtual environment. The main focus of this article is on the development of a script library in the C# programming language, designed to automate the process of creating educational VR content. This library allows for the dynamic creation of game objects in the virtual environment based on the proposed xml representation. To visualize the obtained results, an application based on the Unity game engine was developed, leveraging the implemented tools. The research demonstrates the potential of applying VR technologies in the educational domain and offers a practical solution in the form of the developed script library and markup language. The research findings can be beneficial to developers of educational VR applications and educators interested in innovative teaching methods utilizing virtual reality technologies.

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