Comparative Analysis of SQL Injection Detection Approaches Using Machine Learning Methods
Information security does not stand still, now there are a large number of ways to protect against various types of vulnerabilities. For every attack, you can find many ways to prevent and then detect it. In this paper, various approaches for identifying SQL injections are considered and their comparative analysis is carried out in order to identify the optimal method, depending on the working conditions. The main criteria for consideration of the article in the course of work were identified. In particular, only articles published after 2016 and available in full-text format were considered. Also, the main characteristics of the studies that were carried out in the course of the work were determined. In the analyzed works, the methods of classification both of static and dynamic SQL queries were considered. Various machine learning models were used for classification, including: Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree. In a number of studies, the most effective methods were Ensemble Boosted Trees, Ensemble Bagged Trees, Linear Discriminant, Cubic SVM, and Fine Gaussian Support Vector Machines. In other works, Iterative Dichotomizer 3 (ID3) and Random Forest methods were found to have better accuracy.
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