Schemes of attacks on machine learning models
This article discusses attack schemes on artificial intelligence systems (on machine learning models). Classically, attacks on machine learning systems are special data modifications at one of the stages of the machine learning pipeline, which are designed to influence the model in the necessary way for the attacker. Attacks can be aimed at lowering the overall accuracy or fairness of the model, or at, for example, providing, under certain conditions, the desired result of the classification. Other forms of attacks may include direct impact on machine learning models (their code) with the same goals as above. There is also a special class of attacks that is aimed at extracting from the model its logic (algorithm) or information about the training data set. In the latter case, there is no data modification, but specially prepared multiple queries to the model are used.
A common problem for attacks on machine learning models is the fact that modified data is the same legitimate data as unmodified data. Accordingly, there is no explicit way to unambiguously identify such attacks. Their effect in the form of incorrect functioning of the model can manifest itself without a targeted impact. In fact, all discriminant models are subject to attacks.
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ISSN: 2307-8162