Development the Mobile Gaming Application for Psychological Research

P.V. Kolyasnikov, A.V. Likhachev, A.Y. Ledashchev


One of the important modern areas of psychological research is the collection and processing of big data using Internet technologies. The use of new technologies allows psychological science to overcome the traditional difficulties associated with small samples, but at the same time acquiring other problems in return - storage, transmission, verification of big data. Gamification in education and psychology is a fairly developed area of science and practice, providing specialists with new tools for diagnosing and training various skills. The article is devoted to the development of principles and models for the collection of experimental psychological data in a mobile gaming application. The use of gaming applications provides opportunities to collect huge sets of data about users based on logging systems of their actions. To implement this task have been developed an approach to the preservation of various statistical data and means to ensure its implementation in a mobile gaming application. The calculation of the possible amount of game data is carried out, showing the dependence of their volume on the number of actions performed and the number of participants. The architecture and an example of the implementation of a mobile application that evaluates the spatial abilities of the study participants and records of all their actions are presented. The architecture and implementation example of a mobile application is presented, which evaluates the spatial abilities of the study participants and collects and stores all the actions they have performed, which are the basis of the study.

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