Robust Interval Time Series Forecasting

A.A. Chervyakov, E.V. Nikulchev


Time series forecasting is used in many practical problems and occupies a prominent place in scientific research in various fields. The article considers a robust approach to forecasting time series in the form of intervals. The analysis of existing approaches is carried out. It is shown that classical methods, such as autoregressive or stochastic models, use not only point estimates, but also confidence intervals. However, the result of a classical prediction is points, while in interval prediction the solution is ranges of values. An important distinguishing feature of the interval forecast from confidence probabilities is the assessment of the quality of solutions. In the approach under consideration, the size of the interval is controlled not by the level of significance, but by specially introduced criteria. The main types of criteria for evaluating interval solutions and the features of their use are considered. The use of forecast in the form of intervals provides a decrease in the degree of uncertainty in the data and the robustness of the model in terms of output, but at the same time, the accuracy of the forecast is blurred. The paper considers a technique for the series portfolio management strategy based on a robust interval forecast using standard models. The results obtained testify to the effectiveness and prospects of the development of the theory of interval time forecasting and the practice of its application for various applications.

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