Movement control algorithm for a mobile robotic platform with a variable level of autonomy
The creation and implementation of robotic transport devices in production is an urgent task for the development of various industries. Due to the initial complexity of the production conditions, as well as various operational upgrades of individual sections, it is often not possible to completely exclude human participation in the performance of a technological operation. Robotic systems with a given level of autonomy help to reduce the labor intensity of work for a person. The object of the study is a mobile three-wheeled robotic platform (MRP) for local delivery of goods, which has high maneuverability. The purpose of this work is to develop an automatic control system for a mobile robotic wheeled platform with a variable level of autonomy, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the transition of the control initiative between a person and a robot when performing various subtasks. The study uses methods of structural analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems for technical objects. The block diagram of the automatic control system (ACS), the scheme and nature of the organization of feedback in the process of human-machine interaction are considered. The criterion for the effectiveness of MCI control based on minimizing the operator's response time to a disturbing signal coming from the HMI is considered. The use of control with a variable level of autonomy will speed up the robotization of industry, reduce the labor intensity of work in production, reduce the class of labor hazard for humans, as well as minimize the risks of emergency and emergency situations when performing specified technological operations.
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