Prospects and strategies of spatial planning of the Russian economy as a large-scale system in modern conditions

Mikhail Mokshin, Dmitriy Reut


The current geopolitical situation poses complex and extraordinary tasks for the Russian economy, requiring in a short time to transform and transform a large and complex socio-economic management system into an organic and balanced mechanism. The authors propose to consider the Russian economy not as a collection of disparate infrastructure elements and industries, but as a large-scale system, the management of which should differ in methods and tools. The philosophy and methodology of managing large systems that are being developed by domestic and foreign authors suggest a radically different perception of phenomena and processes. The authors point out that in order to coordinate all the elements of such a system, it is necessary to radically transform management approaches, transform the fundamental structure of the management vertical and create a horizontal organic system, the subjects of which are endowed with the necessary powers for evaluation and decision-making. The authors talk about the advantages of allocating spatially distributed complex subsystems, since this approach allows solving not only operational, but also strategic tasks within the framework of long-term development projects of the country. An approach is considered to take into account the features of the economy as a large-scale system for building organic connections between objects and management structures.

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