Research on the Development of Data Augmentation Techniques in the Field of Machine Translation

Zhipeng Zhang, Aleksey Poguda


Neural machine translation usually requires a large number of bilingual parallel corpus for training, which is very easy to overfit on the training set of small data. Through a large number of experiments, it has been proved that almost all excellent neural network models are trained on large-scale datasets. High quality bilingual parallel corpus is difficult to obtain, and manual labeling of corpus is usually expensive, and it takes a lot of time. The data augmentation method is an effective technique for scaling data and has achieved significant results in some areas. For example, in the field of computer vision, training data is often augmented with methods such as cropping, flipping, bending or color transformation. Although data augmentation methods have become a basic technique for training neural network models in the field of computer vision, this technology has not been well applied in the field of natural language processing. This article systematically reviews the development of data augmentation techniques in the field of natural language processing in recent years, especially in the subfield of machine translation and conducts research on the mainstream data augmentation methods in the field of machine translation.

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