Prospects for Information Security in Big Data Technology

A. Kubigenova, Al. Aktayeva, A. Sharipbay, A. Beissekov, G. Muradilova, A. Seraliyeva


The article discusses the security issues of the Big Data technology directly related to the architecture of the system, as well as the implementation of its following main components: data collection, data storage, normalization, analysis, and visualization of data. BigData technology anticipates certain security hazards bearing adverse effects on business processes of safety-critical systems. In case of massive computer attacks, (MCA) BigData (BD) has unpredictable behavior dynamic, while the incidents are merely recognized rare. The significance and novelty of the study is substantiated by the positive outcome of assessment of the Monte-Carlo method for evaluation the survivability of MCA-exposed recoverable BDs possessing time redundancy (recoverability). The statement of the problem, the modeling algorithm, and examples of solutions are given, based on which the Monte-Carlo method is recommendable for solving the problem. The results obtained might be promising in a way of improving the development of solutions to ensure the stability of the BD function under the conditions of object-orientated aggressive actions.

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