Decision support system for managing repairs of thermal power equipment
Decision support systems in the management of maintenance and repair of complex technical systems equipment are an effective tool for optimizing the costs of enterprises and organizations operating them. Recently, interest in this class of information systems has been growing in the energy sector as well. The paper describes the architecture of the decision support system in the management of repairs of thermal power equipment. The system contains a production knowledge base, which is used to make decisions on the inclusion of a specific unit of power equipment in the repair program. The use of this mathematical apparatus makes it possible to implement a mechanism for explaining the decisions made. A number of classifiers have been developed that allow you to automate the process of compiling a repair program. For convenience, a color interpretation of the results of the evaluation of the technical condition has been implemented. The use of these classifiers as part of a decision support system for compiling repair programs is shown. The description of the ranking of units of power equipment based on the results of the classification, which ensures the qualitative formation of the repair program, is given. The methodological aspects of the application of the developed classifiers and the decision support system are described. The role of the decision maker in the operation of the developed decision support system is shown.
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