Generation Z communication competencies and the choice of learning format in the context of digitalization

Irina Tolstikova, Olga Ignatieva, Konstantin Kondratenko, Alexander Pletnev


The article is devoted to the study of the communicative competence of the "digital generation", understood as readiness for network professional, educational and scientific integration. Researched based on a series of surveys conducted by a team of authors in 2019-21, which touched on the topics of values, resources, network activity, social construction of reality, etc. This paper analyzes the features of the communication practices of representatives of generation Z, involvement in new educational formats , communicative-behavioral attitudes. The main problem of the study is related to the weak level of readiness of representatives of generation Z for professional communication, the tendency of “zoomers” to emotional, rather than rational, exchanges, the conservatism and individualism of young people. At the same time, the authors touch upon the specifics of youth communication, based on involvement in both virtual and real environments. The team of authors describe this feature as a phygital reality in which the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds are blurred. The results of the study are important for the development of a strategy for youth policy, marketing, scientific theory (human-machine interaction, generational issues, pedagogy).

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.10.202211.60-69

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