Decision-making models and algorithms for managing a pipeline of capital construction projects

A.A. Vagulina, V.A. Vazhinsky, A.S. Korolev


The object of research is the process of implementing a pipeline of investment and construction projects. The subject of the research are decision-making models and algorithms for managing a pipeline of capital construction projects. The purpose of the study is to improve the efficiency of the portfolio management process by developing and testing in practice a decision-making methodology for managing a pipeline of capital construction projects. A study of the problem of project and portfolio management in relation to the construction industry of the Russian Federation is being carried out, confirmed by official statistics; review of existing models and methods of decision-making in project management and portfolio management.

A qualitative and mathematical description of the developed methodology and the general algorithm for its use, are presented and detailed by the description of the normalization algorithms of data regarding classifiers of key events and works, verification of compliance with the technological sequence of works, deadlines forecasting based on a simplified critical path method, calculation of project readiness based on the method of weight coefficients, aggregating performance data at the portfolio level.

The results of the approbation of the developed methodology on the portfolio of the targeted investment program of the Sakhalin Region based on the existing software solution are presented. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of management processes in similar projects where the implementation of the methodology was not carried out is presented. In conclusion, the findings were drawn about the effectiveness of the methodology based on the results of its practical testing, and directions for further development and improvement of the methodology were identified.

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