Development of a prototype of a digital platform for the control and monitoring of technological processes of a biotechnical system

T.V. Khurtina, M.G. Zhabitsky, Yu.A. Andrienko


Over the past decades, aquaculture production in fish has grown rapidly in terms of production and economic productivity, and today it is a key supplier of seafood. In this paper, the production of heterogeneous fish populations at the company "PANINSKOE PLUS" is considered. The object of deep digital transformation is an operating high-intensity aquabiotechnological enterprise for the cultivation of fish products (karmut breed) in commodity volumes using closed water circulation technology. The subject of the study is automation of production processes. With an increase in production volumes, there is a need for automation, which reduces the required amount of resources per unit of production.

The advantages of automation are technological, convenient control and management of work processes, which in turn helps to reduce the likelihood of human error and improve the quality of production. The scientific novelty consists in the development of the concept of automation of existing production with certain technological parameters for the cultivation of a specific type of fish and its implementation. The expected result of the work is a prototype of an information system that increases the efficiency of production of heterogeneous fish populations.

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