From national projects to the strategic planning system. Coordination of actions of ministries and departments
The relevance of the study is due to the situation in the field of public administration of economic planning and development. There is a positive experience of state planning in the history of the country, although it has shortcomings, but it has been recognized as effective, on the other hand, the practice of implementing national projects over the past ten years has demonstrated mistakes in planning, forecasting and implementing economic development plans. The author, highlighting the positive and taking into account the negative aspects of Gosplan, the advantages of modern national projects, considers the possibility of combining historical and modern experience for the organization of strategic planning. The proposed Unified Coordination and Control Center for National Projects (ECCC NP) ensures the implementation of the principles of systematic and transparent collection and processing of information, planning taking into account the needs and specifics of the development of each region, forecasting risks and threats and taking timely measures to overcome them and reduce the negative impact on the implementation of plans. The proposed mechanism takes into account the factors of interaction of all planning participants, economic and administrative, and also creates conditions for continuous monitoring of the implementation of plans and the organization of control measures. An important point is made that the digitalization of state planning could have been implemented several decades ago.
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