The Impact of Implementing the Gamification Method in Learning Indonesian Sign Language with Bisindo Vocabulary

Kevin Hosea Widjaya, Wirawan Istiono


Human is a social being, where humans need to socialize with the other humans. One of the interactions that do by humans is speaking. When humans speaks, humans use a language because it’s one of the important roles in communicating, but some humans are born with special needs where they can’t hear which commonly called deaf. In communicating, they cannot hear voices, which makes it difficult to communicate with the other people. Therefore, deaf people are using sign language to communicate, but not many man can communicate with sign language, to can communicate with deaf people, it’s very important to know the meaning of the sign language. This study aims to build a sign language mobile application which uses BISINDO (Indonesian Sign Language) to can be learned by beginners who want to learn sign language to can communicate with the deaf people with method learning sign language with basics of BISINDO vocabulary. Also, in creating the applications, this application using Six Steps to Gamification method as reference for application, to make this game fun to be learned by deaf people or by normal peoples. Application testing was conducted on 30 people and the survey was based on Hedonic Motivation System Adoption Model (HMSAM). The evaluation results show that 88.22% of respondents stated that they were helped and will use this application to learn basic sign language, and 82% of respondents stated that they liked the sign language learning application with BISINDO basic vocabulary and gamification methods

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