Determining the effectiveness of the gamification process in education by the method of expert assessments
To date, only the lazy do not talk about gamification. In the era of digitalization, the use of information technology in education is an integral part of education. But it is difficult to stay motivated during training. Gamification has every reason to solve this problem. Often people confuse the concept of "gamification of education" with the concept of "video games in education/ game training". Gamification is a process that aims to achieve educational goals, while video games are a tool. Gamification in education (in other words, "serious games") is based on the desire of students, it does not carry direct educational goals, but rather "packs" them and creates an atmosphere that motivates learning, that is, gamification facilitates the learning process. The game, in turn, can be initially with (or without) a learning context, players most often develop useful skills during game training, even if the game was not originally created for the purpose of teaching. People like to get different impressions and emotions, plunge headlong into the plot, this is what is the key to success in learning. It is a curious fact that, in fact, thanks to the gamified system, the student learns about himself from a new side, opens up new facets and opportunities.
The article examines the relevance of the "gamification process in education" through the method of expert assessments and analysis, identifying the main issues of interest when choosing games.
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