Study of approaches to the development of smart objects

A.G. Klimenko, K.S. Zaytsev


Smart objects can be developed in different ways. The purpose of this work is to study the advantages and disadvantages of the main approaches to the development of smart objects. The features of such approaches as model-based; mashup-based approach; "function as a service" approach; node-oriented programming; based on the use of databases; based on macro programming. When considering a model-based approach, the relationship between the description of the system at a high level of abstraction and the finished IoT application is analyzed. When creating mashup applications, development by hand and with the help of tools is considered. The Function as a Service approach highlights its ability to integrate with cloud databases, authentication and authorization services, messaging services, and more. In the approach based on macro programming, the requirement for a development methodology for the full life cycle of application creation is fixed. The results of comparing the characteristics of the above approaches, obtained by the authors, are presented in the form of a table of advantages and disadvantages. Comparison of approaches allows us to conclude that different approaches can be used to develop smart objects, which are determined by the development goals, budget, and the availability of special skills of developers

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