Network proximity as a base for a new hyper-local Internet

Dmitry Namiot, Vladimir Sukhomlin


The paper describes the model of hyper-local Internet. This refers to a set of Internet resources that are, to one degree or another, relevant (useful) for users located in a certain limited area. At the same time, such a network is not visible outside the selected area (it simply does not exist). This is another example of using the network spatial proximity model developed in the authors' works. As resources in such a network, there can be both specially marked existing Internet resources, and special content hosted on mobile devices participating in such a network. For example, these resources discuss the functioning of a housing complex, an educational institution, contain information about local services, etc. The paper proposes both a model for organizing the markup of such areas based on the use of wireless technologies and a scheme for describing (presenting) resources. Collections of this kind can be dynamically created and maintained by any user. The result of the work is a working prototype of a spatially restricted local area network running on mobile phones running Android. As a technical basis of the system, we propose a special model of using Wi-Fi Direct.

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