Influence of the nonlinear filtration coefficient of the head function in the aquifer

Igor V. Kaliberda, Alexander Chernyshev


The problem of practical implementation of the theory of control systems is that real objects are most often not linear and their models cannot be adequately represented in the form of systems of linear equations. For nonlinear systems, in turn, there are no uniform and accurate methods for their analysis and implementation. Using the example of a mathematical model of a hydrogeological object, nonlinear values of filtration coefficients in the groundwater horizon are considered. The control system acquires a nonlinear character when the filtration coefficient is represented by a function whose argument is time. Taking into account the oscillatory nature of the change in the filtration coefficient relative to time, the function takes on a specific form and can be used to construct a pressure function in time. The method is implemented using a computer program for determining the dynamic characteristics of the hydrolithospheric process during the implementation of experimental filtration work, which allows you to create graphs of the reaction of an object in a steady-state mode. With the help of the obtained process model, the steady-state value of the pressure function is determined.

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