Selection of standards in accordance with the stages of the life cycle of information systems
Defining a set of standards is one of the most important components of creating an information system, since standards, firstly, simplify almost all life cycle processes due to their clarity and structure, and, secondly, allow, if they are properly selected and applied, to secure the team of performers, the customer and the product itself in the regulatory sphere.
The structure of any modern information system, as a rule, includes a software tool, which, upon completion of all work, becomes a software product. The creation of a software product is a time-consuming process that is often delayed or even stopped for various reasons, which are usually associated with poor quality of work, exceeding time limits or misunderstanding between the contractor and the customer. Generally, such problems arise due to the fact that the execution team cannot correctly determine the product implementation model at the stages of its life cycle from requirements generation to testing and documentation.
Standards often act as instructions for stakeholders. However, choosing standards that are inappropriate for a particular product can complicate the task of implementing it instead of simplifying it, so it is important to be able to choose the most appropriate standards at all stages of the product life cycle.
This article demonstrates a possible course of analysis and selection of standards at all stages of the life cycle using the example of a software system for the entrance profiling of enrollees.Full Text:
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