Development of Learning Methods in Context of Digital Humanities

E. G. Gaevskaya, N. V. Borisov, R. N. Shadiyev


The article discusses the possibilities of the project method implementing to the university education in the transition period from offline to online training. The requirements for the educational environment dictated by the peculiarities of its digitalization and students autonomization are analyzed 

The pedagogical aspects are considered in the context of the interdisciplinary approaches of digital humanities as learning content and teaching methods. Such approaches to the higher education pedagogy allows to improve the quality of education and ensure the successful mastering by students of the competencies necessary of the digital society specialists.  

The article presents the results of an experiment on the use of the project method, which was carried out as part of the pedagogical activities of the Department of Information Systems in Art and Humanities of the Faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg State University during 2018-2021.

 The results obtained indicate that the approaches of digital humanitarian pedagogy contribute to the more effective development of students' competencies of a specialist in a digital society.

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