The complex digital twin concept for a complex engineering object such as the research reactor of the MEPhI University
The article considers the complex digital twin concept for a complex engineering object/ Digital twin integrates a BIM model, the spatial layout of engineering systems, physical models of physical processes occurring in various modes, the construction of attributes of engineering components and communications, data models for emulating object management. The integration of the digital twin is implemented in the form of a virtual-reality technology. In the course of this work, the MEPhI research nuclear reactor is considered as a data source. This publication is the starting point in a project describing a series of research works on the development of a digital double. The goal of the project is the productive use of an interactive digital double implemented in virtual reality for the purposes of building an educational process in the field of nuclear physics and technology for a wide range of users. Also, another result of the implementation of the approaches outlined in the article will be the development of a proven methodology suitable for building complex digital doubles for implementing applications in the interests of various industries and the economy. The focus of the applications of the developed methodology in this study is educational activities. The work will combine the experience of building digital twins of educational facilities accumulated by the MEPhI University and industry approaches to building engineering doubles developed within the framework of the activities of various divisions of the Rosatom Corporation. The article describes the basic concept of work with the vision of combining various digital modeling technologies in a single project to achieve the target result.
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