Application of Process mining technology to identify abnormal situations in the operation of high-tech equipment

Adelya Khasanova, Maxim Dunaev


In the modern world, all companies use IT infrastructure to organize their activities. And an attempt to eliminate various anomalous events (including security threats) in the activities of technology platforms is becoming extremely urgent.

Such platforms are becoming the mainstream of the IT industry, supporting a wide range of online services and intelligent applications (weather forecast, biomedical engineering, etc.). Most of these systems support the operation of complex equipment in various industries: mining, industrial design and operation of nuclear power plants, transport industry, etc. Serving thousands of computers simultaneously, almost all systems are designed to operate around the clock, serving thousands of computers simultaneously, high availability and reliability.

Any incidents with such systems, including interruptions or reduced quality of service, will lead to the exit from individual applications and, accordingly, to financial costs. In addition, malfunctioning digital equipment can lead to accidents and industrial accidents.

One of the tools for solving the above problems is the development process, which allows you to analyze processes, abnormal events, predict bottlenecks, etc.

The purpose of this work is to study and implement effective technologies for intelligent analysis of processes (Process Mining) for possible operations in event logs (using the example of Windows OS).

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