Adaptive accessibility management in geographic information systems using fog computing

Vyacheslav Burlov, Vitaliy Gryzunov, Dmitriy Sipovich


Geographic information systems are integrated with information systems of enterprises and the state, are systems of critical application and work with a large amount of heterogeneous and unstructured data. The volume of data, the number of users and cyberattacks is increasing every year. Ensuring information security, in turn, requires the availability of the system resource. The applied methods of centralized storage and processing of data do not cope with the assigned tasks, cannot ensure the availability of the requested resource accurately and on time, which further leads to a violation of other aspects of information security: integrity and confidentiality. One possible solution to the accessibility problem is the use of foggy computing.

The article proposes: a hierarchical model of a geographic information system using fog computing(FIST – Full Infrastructure of Sources Toolkit). The model includes the levels of software, logical structure, physical structure. Interaction between the levels of the model is formalized. An example of a basic law allowing you to combine individual elements into a pool (fog node) is given. The principle of gradual spreading of tasks in the geographic information system is formulated, the task of adaptive control of the geographic information system performance is posed as a modified task of container packing, the method of pooling the necessary resources into pools is disclosed: computers, communication channels, input / output devices, storage devices. The method (D-FIST – Dynamic Full Infrastructure of Sources Toolkit)includes 3 steps: selection of candidate elements, pools combination, formation of management for change. The convergence and termination of the proposed method is proved. The features of the data with which geographic information systems work, and modern technologies, on the basis of which the proposed method can be implemented, are analyzed.

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