Education as a way to create skills in the knowledge economy using the example of BIM technologies in the era of digital twins and digital pedagogy (EDTECH)

Oleg Pokusaev, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Alexander Klimov, Varvara Lazutkina, Eugene Zarechkin, Alexander Semochkin


As technology advances and skills change that require increased demand, there is a need for continuous feedback between labor market needs and education stakeholders at all levels. A significant proportion of adult learning is acquired through hands-on experience, through on-the-job training, and especially through interactions with peers. As such, employers are key players in adult education, and their competitiveness is closely tied to their ability to train their talents and maximize the performance of their employees. Digital transformations in pedagogy are changing educational processes as well as the entire economics of the educational process, and this must also be taken into account. In Russia, several legally binding documents have formed a pool of decisions adopted for the implementation of the practical implementation of BIM technologies. This article discusses in detail the issues of BIM education, as well as their relationship with teaching digital twin technology. The construction of such an education, moreover, should rapidly and objectively develop towards teaching the disciplines of a digital twin, with which BIM already interacts very organically.

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