Analysis of emotional perception of urban spaces and “Smart city” development
The article considers an analysis of the emotional perception of the urban environment as one of the tasks in building a “smart city” focused on citizens. The article discusses the theoretical foundations for analyzing the emotions of citizens as an indicator of the quality of the urban environment. Digital participatory mapping of emotions is described as an appropriate method to collect emotional assessments of urban areas from citizens and the author's web service for such mapping Imprecity is depicted. An analysis of the emotional perception of St. Petersburg is presented on the basis of 2142 emotional tags localized in 700 urban places received from users of the web service in 2018-2019. Emotional ratings of urban places show that open green recreational areas and pedestrian streets are “hotbeds of joy,” while areas of anger are concentrated in areas of massive new housing developments with no amenities, crossroads with heavy traffic difficult for pedestrians to cross, and poorly maintained small river banks. As a result, it is shown hown priorities for urban development can be set based on the analysis of emotions. Means of digital participatory mapping and analysis of crowdsourced georeferenced data on the subjective perception of the city are presented as an extension of the arsenal of methods for implementing a “smart city”.
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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.08.202011.128-136
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