Hyperloop - current status and future challenges

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Alexander Klimov, Vyacheslav Alenkov, Oleg Pokusaev, Andrey Dobrynin


Hyperloop was first proposed in 2013 by American entrepreneur Elon Musk, which outlines a pipe-based system in which containers transport passengers or cargo at high speed in low friction conditions.

Many organizations are currently working on the development and commercialization of this technology. The expected end result is a high-speed transport system, which, compared to conventional airplanes, trains, or cars, is very energy-efficient due to the lack of air and rolling resistance. The implementation of the Hyperloop concept can revolutionize intercity transportation, since it can be faster than aviation, it can be cheaper to build than high-speed railways, it will consume little energy, it should be accessible to the public and not dependent on the weather. With the development of research and feasibility studies, as well as the creation of an increasing number of prototypes and test tracks, the reasonable question arises - is this fifth mode of transport the future of intercity travel, or will it remain in the field of science fiction?

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