Decentralized scheme for secure database creation and storage

М.А. Cherepniov


In this paper, we propose a new collective work scheme for performing the task of secure database creation and storage. Such tasks arise when building electronic payment systems and document management systems with distributed responsibility, that is, when the entire network is responsible for the correct operation of the database. At the moment, the most common solution to this problem is the "blockchain" technology, the disadvantages of which we have already written. In this paper, a scheme is constructed that solves the same problem, but without these disadvantages. In the scheme we have built, each subscriber has a pair of public and private keys, which are distributed without a trust center using the decentralized authentication mechanism proposed in the article. The scheme is based on the principles of autonomy, that is, independence from the client hardware and network on which it operates. It is shown that the weaknesses of the "blockchain" scheme described in our previous work have been removed in this scheme. The built scheme is based on the Shaum protocol of blind signature. Therefore, despite the lack of untraceability, this scheme does not allow collecting dossiers on clients, although the "blockchain" has such a possibility. Attention is paid to encouraging subscribers to check the correctness of the database. To control the response of subscribers, we suggest using a timestamp server. To maintain the network independence property, we assume that each subscriber can choose a network to send to other subscribers. To support the secure of each client, we offer to always support the client equipment in the "online" mode.

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ISSN: 2307-8162