Decision making in management tasks transport streams of rocket and space technology based on a fuzzy situational network
The transportation of space rocket products is an integral part of the technological process of preparing for the launch and launch of space rockets. Many years of experience in the field of rocket and space technology shows that the process of preparing space rockets and their components for their intended use at space centers remains a long and laborious process. This is due to the design features of modern space rockets and the technology of their preparation for launch. The high price for improper actions or the unskilled execution of technological operations for the transport support of rocket and space systems determines the high requirements for the level and quality of transport and logistics services. In this connection, the problem of scientific substantiation of the organization of the control system for the transport flows of rocket and space products arises. In [1,2], methods of ground-based logistic analysis based on optimization of a linear programming network were proposed. The situational model for making operational decisions during the transportation of space rocket products is considered as an integral part of the safe process of preparation for launch. The problem of multi-criteria selection of a new delivery route under uncertainty based on the theory of fuzzy sets is being solved. Alternatives to multiple routes are ranked and the best alternative to a new route based on fuzzy sets is selected.
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