Automation of the technical department

T. Astakhova, S. Krivonogov, A. Romanova


The information system (IS) for automating the activities of the technical department of PJSC Rostelecom branch of the city of Knyaginino, Nizhny Novgorod region is described in the paper. The development of an information system for the automation of activities will increase the volume of applications. To develop an information system for automating the activities of the technical department, an analysis of the subject area was carried out, which included a study of the organization's activities and a study of the organization's management structure. Also, as part of the study of the subject area, the infrastructure of the organization was investigated, this study showed that the available hardware and software allows the implementation and use of the created information system. To determine the structure of the information system, we studied the business processes in the technical department. Existing software products were also studied, based on the study, it was decided that none of the existing systems fits the requirements. The next stage of the study was a description of the general information for the information system, the requirements of users were considered. An automated business process is described. And also a set of works was done on software design using the UML language. The study also substantiated the use of information system implementation tools, built an information model of the system, and created work algorithms. Then, work was done to create a database and write code. After carrying out these works, a description of the principle of the information system.

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