Using voice assistants for improving academic English

Vladimir Tregubov


The article describes the current state and prospects of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology of voice recognition in the education. There are some common approaches to using AI in education: adaptive assessment of knowledge, interval methods of memorizing the information, virtual assistants, adaptive feedback, and automated verification of creative works. We described the basic functionality of chat bots, which were developed specially for studying foreign language. We also made a review of special applications for Google Assistant which use the voice interface and help to im-prove language skills, to study grammatic, to increase a vocabulary. In the conclusion there is a description of the project "Gagarin trivia" developed by the author of article. This application is aimed at expanding opportunities for improving skills of academic English. The presented actions was created for Google assistant and allows: to increase academic vocabulary, to train of creating grammatically correct academic expressions, to memorize some templates of academic phrases etc. In active mode the application helps to work out correct using phrases of academic English and to develop abilities on percep-tion of academic englis by hearing.

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