On proximity services programming
This article deals with applied programming for services based on proximity. The paper describes ProSe (Proximity Services) introduced in 3GPP specifications. According to the 3GPP specifications, Proximity Services is designed to find devices suitable for direct communication between devices (D2D - Device to Device). In this case, the paper deals with another approach where the definition of close devices is the ultimate goal of the process. Direct connection of devices is not considered at all, and the main reason for this is security related problems. The paper deals with a model where definition of proximity to some device (devices) is the basis (trigger) for presenting data (services). Such a basis in many cases replaces or even complements (expands) the work with geo-referenced coordinates. Accordingly, the approach proposed in this paper is that the ProSe (D2D) components may be the basis for public telecommunication services that extend (replace) services that use location information and do not require direct connection between devices.
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