Effectiveness of the Application Clonezilla to Clone Image with Ubuntu Server 12.04 and Samba Server

Andi Nugroho, Boy Yuliadi


The computers owned by Fasilkom more than 30-45 computers are available in six classes. It is considered to be less effective considering by Fasilkom laboratory staff and must clone around 208 computers. So from the results of the analysis, a method was made to measure the effectiveness of installing a computer using a computer network with the Clonezilla application, Ubuntu 12.04, and the samba server. The standard parameters of ISO 9126 namely time, number of computers, costs, laboratory performance, and utilization. The process of resizing the master clone image still has a disadvantage in terms of the transfer rate were to restore the image clone will take four hours to ten computers, but from the work side during the process carried out the laboratory staff can still do other work without having to wait for the cloning process to finish.

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