Data Mining for Proactive Management of Telecommunication Systems in Smart City

Dmitri Yu. Voronin, Vladislav P. Evstigneev, Andrei I. Drozhzhin, Dmitri E. Borovsky


In modern conditions, the urban community is increasingly being formed on the principle of hierarchy, which includes many relatively autonomous, but interdependent groups: state and municipal governments, business communities and public organizations representing the population various segments interests. As a result, heterogeneous information and communication flows are formed between groups. Successful management of these flows is one of the optimal modern city’s development factors – the comfortable urban environment formation. However, the academic discourse has no approach to the proactive telecommunication systems management, suitable for technical basis for the Smart City concept implementation. The article presents the authors' approach to the telecommunication systems proactive management, based on the simulation technology and data mining use in the Smart City concept’s development context using the applied system analysis perspective. The proposed approach is aimed at solving the following problems: pre-processing a large amount of data using a complex of methods and algorithms Data Science; identifying the most meaningful causal relationships in the system, conducting simulation experiments to formulate an effective strategy for telecommuni­cation services proactive management, consolidating the results as part of the prototype creation of an intelligent interactive decision support system for telecommuni­cation systems proactive management. It seems that the proposed approach can be successfully used as the basis for conducting comprehensive research on the effective proactive procedures implementation for the innovative management of urban smart objects.

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